Bilbies – DPaW progress in using EPBC Act offset funds

In October 2013, Terrestrial Ecosystems attended a workshop coordinated by the Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPaW) to develop the research priorities for Bilbies in the Pilbara. These research priorities would then become the focus for spending funds made available as environmental offsets by various proponents under EPBC Act 1999. Outputs from the workshop can be found at this link.

As a followup to the workshop, Hon. Lynn MacLaren asked questions of the Environment Minister’s representative in the Legislative Council on DPaW’s progress in achieving these research priorities. The attached PDF shows the questions asked and the Minister’s response.

To provide more information on the specific actions undertaken a copy of the 2013 Progress Report on Bilbies is available here and the 2013-2014 Annual Report is available here.

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Bilby scats Bilby burrow

Bilby recorded on motion sensitve camera


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