Dr Cara Sambell

Zoologist and ornithologistlinkedin image

Cara is experienced wildlife ecologist and has a passion for applied biodiversity conservation, with a primary research interest in understanding how global patterns of landscape change affect rural biodiversity. Cara’s PhD investigated the influences of diverse types of land-use and habitat modification on terrestrial bird communities across 900km2 of the Strzelecki Ranges (Vic).  This research contributed to a greater understanding of land management strategies which enhance biodiversity (e.g. forest bird distribution) in rapidly changing rural landscapes.

Cara’s Honours research project focused on monitoring bird communities and their behaviour, in different aged revegetation plantings and remnant forest in an agricultural mosaic.  Cara has been trained in outdoor leadership, safety and risk management, and teaching during her undergraduate degree (BA Outdoor Environmental Education).  

She enjoys using environmental education to empower others to care for and learn from the natural world, and has presented her research for many academic and community audiences across Australia.

Cara is experienced in a range of ornithological methods and survey techniques.  At Terrestrial Ecosystems, she is extending her wildlife survey and trapping skills, working with a wide range of West Australian native fauna and feral/pest species management programs.


  • Applied scientific research – project design and implementation
  • Ecological data management, analysis and interpretation (site and landscape scales)
  • Ornithological surveys and monitoring programs
  • Literature reviews, scientific writing and publication
  • Geographic mapping and GIS
  • Environmental education
  • Threatened, feral and pest wildlife assessments and management


  • Doctor of Philosophy (Conservation Biology/Landscape Ecology).
  • Bachelor of Arts Outdoor Environmental Education (Hons).

A copy of Cara’s CV can be downloaded here