Dr James Barr

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James is a versatile and experienced zoologist with both a research and practical based background having worked with a variety of native fauna as well as domestic animals for over 10 years. He has a Bachelor of Science (Zoology and Biochemistry), Honours (Veterinary Biology), PhD (Behavioural Ecology), Certificate IV (Veterinary nursing) and Certificate III (Rural and Environmental Pest Management). James is a published and award-winning researcher presenting his research in local, national, and inter-national settings and a strong focus on the peer-review process. During his career he has worked with, and alongside multiple government, non-government, and industry organisations.

James has been involved with research, consultancy, and feral control projects for a range of both mammal and reptile species across Western Australia including Peel, South-West, Great Southern, Wheatbelt, Mid-West, Pilbara, and Kimberley regions. He is experienced in a range of trapping and surveying techniques including camera traps, pitfall traps, Elliot traps, cage traps, radio collaring/attachment and tracking, as well as behavioural analysis. Prior to James undertaking research James works as a veterinary nurse for 7 years across multiple hospitals with experience in animal handling and restraint, anaesthesia, clinical pathology, emergency, and triage.


  • Terrestrial fauna surveys
  • Camera trapping
  • Radio-tracking of fauna
  • Animal handling and restraint
  • Feral animal management
  • Triage and anaesthesia monitoring
  • Academic writing and peer review
  • Applied scientific research design and implementation
  • Ecological data management , analysis and interpretation


  • Doctor of Philosophy (Behavioural Ecology)
  • Honours (Veterinary Biology)
  • Bachelor of Science (Zoology and Biochemistry)
  • Veterinary Nursing Accreditation (Veterinary Nurses Council of Australia)
  • Certificate IV (Veterinary Nursing)
  • Certificate III (Rural and Environmental Pest Management)