Perth is continually expanding and growing; as a consequence our native bushland is being cleared for housing development. The remaining bushland becomes degraded and isolated into small patches. This makes it challenging for fauna that get trapped in small remnant patches of bush and have to travel through and exist among residential areas.
Firstly, the most important thing to do for your garden is to plant native trees, shrubs and ground covers such as grevilleas, acacias, banksias, eucalypts and native grasses and sedges . Planting a combination of these provide different strata for a variety of animals to utilise (Department of Environment and Natural Resources, 2010). This creates a colourful and attractive environment for various bird species to feed and nest. Placing a bird bath or pond in your garden provides an extra water supply for birds, especially in summer when it is scarce. Using native vegetation in your garden also attracts beneficial insects that assist in pollination.
It also allows you to keep native fish, which can control mosquito populations (Department of Environment and Natural Resources, 2010). If you live close to fringing bush and further out of suburban areas you may have native mammals such as the quenda visiting your garden. If this is the case, provide plenty of low covering thick shrubs for shelter and lots of leaf litter for the quenda to forage in. If your garden does not have large trees that can provide hollows, you can install nest boxes, providing nesting and breeding areas for birds (e.g. parrots) and/or mammals.
Finally, make sure you have responsible pet management and try to reduce the use of pesticides and herbicides. Good Luck and enjoy, the benefits of having a fauna friendly garden are truly rewarding.
Hannah Anderson
Department of Environment and Natural Resources. 2010. Backyards for Wildlife: Creating a Wildlife Friendly Garden. Blackwood, SA.
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