Dr Justine Barker
Environmental Advisor/Zoologist
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Justine completed her BSc. and Honours (first class) in Environmental Biology at Curtin University. Her honours examined thermoregulation in ash-grey mice, and her publication ‘thermoregulation by an Australian murine rodent, the ash-grey mouse’ received the WA Naturalists’ Club Serventy Memorial Prize in Natural Sciences (for an outstanding paper published in a peer reviewed journal). She continued her studies at Curtin University, completing her PhD which examined the physiological and behavioural adaptations of short-beaked echidnas. |
Justine has completed courses in animal welfare and chemical capture of wild animals and is experienced in a range of trapping and surveying techniques including hand-capture, camera traps, pitfall traps, cage traps, Elliot traps, mist netting and radio-tracking. Throughout her studies Justine volunteered on several field trapping and monitoring surveys with DBCA where she gained further field experience trapping and radio-tracking. Justine also spent some time volunteering at Kanyana Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre where she assisted in the rehabilitation of sick and injured wildlife and cared for bilbies as part of the Western Shield programme.