Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bat – DPaW progress in using EPBC Act offset funds

In June 2013, Terrestrial Ecosystems attended a workshop coordinated by the Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPaW) to develop the research priorities for Pilbara Leaf-nosed Bats in the Pilbara. These research priorities would then become the focus for spending funds made available as environmental offsets by various proponents under EPBC Act 1999. Outputs from the workshop can be found at this link.

As a followup to the workshop, Hon. Lynn MacLaren asked questions of the Environment Minister’s representative in the Legislative Council on DPaW’s progress in achieving these research priorities. The attached PDF shows the questions asked and the Minister’s response.

Following on from the workshop in June 2013, the Department of Environment drafted a revised Conservation Advice (CA) for the species. CA’s provide guidance on immediate recovery and threat abatement activities that can be undertaken to ensure the conservation of a listed species either in the interim while a recovery plan is under development, or in lieu of a recovery plan if it has been determined that one does not need to be developed. Its purpose is to outline practical on-ground activities that can be implemented by local communities, natural resource management groups or interested individuals, such as landholders. A conservation advice also aims to provide broader management actions which can be undertaken by organisations such as local councils, government agencies or non-government organisations, to protect the species on a regional level.

Included in this draft revised CA is some additional information that may be useful in environmental impact assessment. The listing background and conservation objectives and actions outlined in the CA supplement this environmental impact assessment guidance by correctly guiding mitigation or offsetting of significant impacts on the PLNB. Although the comment period has closed, we have provided links to the Conservation Advice and associated maps for your information.

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