Year |
Location |
Activity |
Urban Development | 2014 | Swan Coastal Plain | Expert statement for State Arbitration Tribunal hearing related to conservation significant fauna |
Urban Development | 2014 | Swan Coastal Plain | Review of fauna management plan prepared by another consultant |
Urban Development | 2014 | Burswood | Fauna assessment and salvage during vegetation clearing for the Burswood Stadium. |
Commercial Development | 2014 | Cockburn Central | Fauna assessment, management plan and relocation strategy for a commercial development. |
Urban Development | 2014 | Forrestdale | Terrestrial Ecosystems planned and implemented a program to capture and translocate Southern Brown Bandicoots from a proposed development in Forrestdale. |
Urban Development | 2014 | Golden Bay | Terrestrial Ecosystems completed the third year of a 5 year biannual monitoring survey of Southern Brown Bandicoots or Quenda in a conservation reserve near Mandurah. All captured Quenda have a quick health assessment, morphometric data are collected and the animal micro-chipped prior to being released. Recaptured animals can then be reassessed during subsequent trapping surveys to determine health and population patterns over the 5 year period. These data are used to provide adaptive management responses to the potential impacts of nearby residential land development so that mitigation measures can be implemented on site for the better protection of the environment and listed species. |
Urban Development | 2014 | Aubin Grove | Terrestrial Ecosystems undertook an assessment of the potential impact of clearing vegetation for a residential housing development and advised on the fauna relocation program to be implemented. |
Urban Development | 2014 | Success | Terrestrial Ecosystems undertook a Level 1 fauna risk including a Black-Cockatoo habitat assessment of potential impacts of clearing vegetation for a residential housing development. |
Urban Development | 2014 | Madora Bay | Terrestrial Ecosystems used cage traps to catch and translocated vertebrate fauna prior to vegetation clearing. We then assisted with the fauna capture during vegetation clearing and answered any queries from the public about fauna management during the vegetation clearing process. |
Urban and Industrial Development | 2014 | Onslow | Terrestrial Ecosystems undertook a fauna salvage program for the development of industrial facilities and a pipeline to service a residential development in Onslow. |
Urban Development | 2014 | Cardup | Terrestrial Ecosystems undertook a Black-Cockatoo habitat assessment for a large development site in Cardup. |
Urban Development | 2014 | Kalamunda | Terrestrial Ecosystems planned and implemented a program to determine vertebrate fauna utilising a remnant area of natural bushland in Kalamunda using motion sensitive cameras. |
Mining | 2013 | Mid-west | Terrestrial Ecosystems used very high definition aerial photography to successfully search for malleefowl mounds in 7,000ha of mining tenements. This program found all known active mounds and previously unrecorded active and inactive mounds that had escaped detection during previous on-ground searches. |
Urban Development | 2013 | Golden Bay | Terrestrial Ecosystems planned and implemented a program to capture and translocate Southern Brown Bandicoots and small reptiles for a proposed development in Golden Bay. |
Mining | 2013 | Byford | Kangaroo management strategy for an urban development |
Urban Development | 2013 | Baldivis | Kangaroo management strategy for Rivergums Estate, Baldivis |
Urban Development | 2013 | Girrawheen | Terrestrial Ecosystems undertook a Black-Cockatoo habitat assessment for a residential development site in Girrawheen. |
Mining | 2013 | Mid-west | Terrestrial Ecosystems undertook an extensive vertebrate fauna survey as part the third biennial program to monitor impacts on fauna in the adjacent to a mining area. The Rehabilitation and Degradation Index (RDI) was used to summarise and demonstrate changes in the composition of the fauna assemblage in control and impact sites around the operating mine. |
Mining | 2013 | Ravensthorpe | Terrestrial Ecosystems designed a long-term fauna monitoring program for an operating mine site and implemented the first of the annual surveys. The monitoring focused on conservation significant small and medium size mammals. |
Urban Development | 2013 | Greenfields | Terrestrial Ecosystems planned and implemented a program to capture and translocate Southern Brown Bandicoots, Brushtail Possums and small reptiles from a proposed development in Greenfields, east of Mandurah. Terrestrial Ecosystems then used an elevated work platform to inspect tree hollows and rescue Brushtail Possums prior to vegetation clearing. Staff were also on site to salvage fauna during the vegetation clearing program. |
Urban Development | 2013 | Success | Terrestrial Ecosystems planned and implemented a program to capture and translocate Southern Brown Bandicoots from a proposed development in Success. |
Mining | 2013 | Eastern goldfields | Terrestrial Ecosystems undertook a Level 1 fauna assessment of the potential impact of exploration drilling for a mining development in the eastern Goldfields. |
Urban Development | 2013 | Broome | Terrestrial Ecosystems undertook an assessment of potential impacts on conservation significant fauna by clearing vegetation in a large scale development site. |
Urban Development | 2013 | Eglinton | Terrestrial Ecosystems removed vertebrate fauna from a residential development site prior to vegetation clearing. |
Infrastructure | 2013 | South Hedland | Terrestrial Ecosystems undertook an assessment of potential impacts on conservation significant fauna by clearing vegetation for a large scale industrial development. |
Urban Development | 2013 | Wellard West | Pre-clearing fauna salvage and fauna translocation program. |
Infrastructure | 2013 | Roy Hill rail corridor – access road | Conservation significant fauna assessment. |
Infrastructure | 2013 | Mt Anketell | Terrestrial Ecosystems completed a conservation significant fauna habitat assessment and targeted conservation significant fauna survey. This resulted in more than 100 habitat assessments undertaken across the area by ATV, avian survey and 500 trap-night survey for Northern Quoll. |
Infrastructure | 2013 | Roy Hill rail corridor – geotechnical test pit investigations | Conservation significant fauna assessment. |
Urban Development | 2013 | Alkimos | Terrestrial Ecosystems undertook a Black-Cockatoo habitat assessment in accordance with the DSEWPaC survey guidelines for Black Cockatoos. |
Mining | 2013 | Harris Lake exploration project | Desktop Level 1 Assessment. |
Urban Development | 2013 | Eglinton | Pre-clearing fauna salvage and fauna translocation program |
Urban Development | 2013 | Madora Bay | Trapping and translocation of conservation significant fauna and a fauna salvage program during vegetation clearing. |
Urban Development | 2013 | Golden Bay | Trapping and translocation of conservation significant fauna and a fauna salvage program during vegetation clearing. |
Infrastructure | 2013 | Roy Hill rail corridor | Grid searches and trapping for conservation significant fauna (i.e. Mulgara, Bilbies and Northern Quoll) with a translocation and subsequent monitoring program to determine the success of the translocation. |
Infrastructure and Environmental Offset | 2013 | Roy Hill rail corridor | Radio-tracking monitoring project for Mulgara (Dasycercus blythii/cristicauda) and Northern Quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus) to satisfy EPBC Act 1999 conditions. |
Urban Development | 2013 | Craigie Primary School site | Terrestrial Ecosystems undertook a Black-Cockatoo habitat assessment in accordance with the DSEWPaC survey guidelines for Black Cockatoos. |
Urban Development | 2013 | Mount Claremont | Terrestrial Ecosystems undertook a Black-Cockatoo habitat assessment in accordance with the DSEWPaC survey guidelines for Black Cockatoos. |
Mining and Industrial Development | 2013 | Boodarie pipeline, South Hedland | Terrestrial Ecosystems undertook an assessment of potential impacts on conservation significant fauna by clearing vegetation for the construction of a pipeline. |
Urban and Environmental Offset | 2013 | Tuckey Cove, Mandurah | Terrestrial Ecosystems was requested to implement the approved Tuckey Cove Fauna Management Plan prior to and during vegetation clearing. Terrestrial Ecosystems conducted a trapping program using cage traps and translocated vertebrate fauna prior to vegetation clearing. We then assisted with the fauna capture during vegetation clearing and answered any queries from the public about fauna management during the vegetation clearing process. |
Urban and Environmental Offset | 2013 | Swamp Hen Lane, Busselton | Terrestrial Ecosystems completed a Western Ringtail Possum (Pseudocheirus occidentalis) monitoring survey to meet Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conversation Act 1999 conditions (EPBC 2005/2153). |
Urban and Environmental Offset | 2013 | Ray Village, Busselton | Terrestrial Ecosystems completed a Western Ringtail Possum (Pseudocheirus occidentalis) monitoring survey to meet Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conversation Act 1999 conditions (EPBC 2007/3533). |
Mining and infrastructure | 2013 | Mulga Downs, Pilbara | Terrestrial Ecosystems completed a Level 2 vertebrate fauna survey, conservation significant fauna habitat assessment and targeted conservation significant fauna survey. More than 700 habitat assessments were undertaken across the area by ATV, 90 separate bird survey censuses completed, 50 nights equivalent of bat echolocation data recorded, 100 motion sensitive camera sites utilised and 6300 nights of systematic trapping data collected. |
Urban Development | 2013 | East Baldivis | Terrestrial Ecosystems undertook a Black-Cockatoo habitat assessment in accordance with the DSEWPaC survey guidelines for Black Cockatoos. The field surveys included a detailed habitat and tree assessment on site and a regional assessment for foraging and nesting habitat within 5km of the project area. These data were then incorporated into an overall environmental impact assessment and will be referred to the State and Commonwealth governments for assessment. |
Mining and Environmental Offset | 2012 | Yandeyarra, Pilbara | Terrestrial Ecosystems undertook a Level 1 vertebrate fauna assessment targeting EPBC listed species for a potential conservation reserve assessment. The area was assessed by helicopter due to the inaccessible rugged terrain. More than 420 habitat assessments were completed across the area which allowed risk assessment based habitat mapping for Pilbara Olive Pythons, Northern Quoll and Mulgara to be undertaken. |
Mining | 2012 | Eastern Goldfields | Terrestrial Ecosystems undertook a Level 1 fauna assessment for addition exploration activity for a potential mine site east of Norseman. This assessment included a grid search of approximately 44km² for malleefowl mounds. |
Mining | 2012 | Tuckenarra Gold, Mid-west | Level 1 Fauna Risk Assessment |
Urban Development | 2012 | Wellard | Terrestrial Ecosystems undertook a Level 1 fauna risk assessment and Black-Cockatoo habitat assessment. The field surveys included a detailed habitat and tree assessment on site and a regional assessment for foraging and nesting habitat within 5km of the project area. More than 700 trees were recorded on site as having a diameter at breast height greater than 500mm in accordance with the DSEWPaC survey guidelines for Black Cockatoos. These data were then incorporated into an overall environmental impact assessment and will be referred to the State and Commonwealth governments for assessment. |
Mining | 2012 | Mid-west | Level 1 Fauna risk assessment for a small proposed gold mining development in the mid-west |
Urban Development | 2012 | South Yanchep | Terrestrial Ecosystems undertook an assessment of the potential impact on Southern Brown Bandicoots in a proposed development site south of Yanchep |
Mining | 2012 | Santa mine, Goldfields | Terrestrial Ecosystems completed a Level 2 vertebrate fauna survey and conservation significant fauna habitat assessment. More than 50 separate bird survey censuses completed, 10 nights equivalent of bat echolocation data recorded and 6300 nights of systematic trapping data collected. |
Mining | 2012 | Nova mine, Goldfields | Terrestrial Ecosystems undertook a level 1 fauna risk assessment of a proposed mine in the goldfields. The fauna assessment and field survey focussed on determining the potential impacts on fauna, fauna assemblages and conservation significant fauna in the project area and adjacent habitats. |
Urban Development | 2012 | Madora Bay | Terrestrial Ecosystems was requested to develop and implement a Fauna Management Plan prior to the vegetation clearing and development of land near Mandurah. The fauna management plan included specific recommendations regarding the management of Quenda and provided detailed protocols regarding the proposed trapping and relocation program and fauna management during clearing on site. Terrestrial Ecosystems implemented the approved trapping program using cage traps and translocated vertebrate fauna prior to vegetation clearing. We then assisted with the fauna capture during vegetation clearing and answered any queries from the public about fauna management during the vegetation clearing process. |
Urban Development | 2012 | Trinity, Alkimos | Terrestrial Ecosystems was requested to develop and implement a fauna management plan prior to the vegetation clearing and development of land near Alkimos (north of Butler). The fauna management plan included specific recommendations regarding the management of Quenda and provided detailed protocols regarding the proposed trapping and relocation program prior to vegetation clearing. Terrestrial Ecosystems implemented the approved trapping program using cage traps, pit traps and funnel traps. Four km of drift fencing were installed to support 6,600 pit trap-nights and 13,200 funnel trap-nights of trapping were completed and almost 1000 individual animals recovered prior to the vegetation clearing. This was the first large scale trapping and translocation program completed on the Swan Coastal Plain prior to a private development that we are aware of and it is a testament to the high environmental standards of our client (LWP) for implementing the program . |
Infrastructure | 2012 | Kojonup to Wellstead power line, South-west | Terrestrial Ecosystems completed a targeted assessment for Malleefowl mounds within a power line corridor easement from Kojonup to Wellstead Power Station. A small helicopter was used for the targeted search as it provided a very good view of the open heath, mallee and woodland habitat and allowed for rapid movement across open pasture and farmland that would not support the species. This survey method provided an innovative and cost effective alternative compared with the typical on ground transect search techniques without compromising on the scientific integrity of the project objectives. |
Urban Development | 2012 | Hammond Park Primary School | Level 1 Fauna Risk Assessment, Fauna Management Plan, Referral under the EPBC Act |
Urban Development | 2012 | Golden Bay | Terrestrial Ecosystems has been contracted to complete a 5 year biannual monitoring survey of Southern Brown Bandicoots or Quenda in a conservation reserve near Mandurah. All captured Quenda have a quick health assessment (e.g. parasite load, scars etc), morphometric data is collected and the animal micro-chipped prior to being released. Recaptured animals can then be reassessed during subsequent trapping surveys to determine health and population patterns over the 5 year period. These data are used to provide adaptive management responses to the potential impacts of nearby residential land development so that mitigation measures can be implemented on site for the better protection of the environment and listed species. |
Urban Development | 2012 | Cockburn Central | Level 1 Fauna Risk Assessment and Black-Cockatoo Habitat Assessment |
Industrial | 2012 | Anzac Drive industrial area, Kalgoorlie | Level 1 Fauna Risk Assessment |
Mining | 2012 | Aldiss mine, eastern Goldfields | Terrestrial Ecosystems completed a Level 2 vertebrate fauna survey and conservation significant fauna habitat assessment. Eight-five separate bird survey censuses completed, 25 nights equivalent of bat echolocation data recorded and 6300 nights of systematic trapping data collected. |
Industrial | 2012 | Alcoa Wagerup Refinery | Level 1 Fauna Risk Assessment |
Oil and Gas | 2011-current | Wheatstone LNG Plant, Onslow | Terrestrial Fauna Management Services for the Chevron-operated Wheatstone Project in Western Australia. |
Mining | 2011-12 | Rosemont mine, Goldfields | Level 1 Fauna Risk Assessment |
Urban Development | 2011-12 | Hammond Park Catholic Primary School | Level 1 Fauna Risk Assessment, Graceful Sun-moth Survey, Fauna Management Plan, Fauna Relocation |
Mining | 2011-12 | Granny Smith mine, Goldfields | Level 2 Fauna Assessment, Long-tail Dunnart Survey, Level 1 Fauna Risk Assessments |
Mining | 2011 | Iron ore mine, Yalgoo | Level 1 Fauna Risk Assessment |
Urban Development | 2011 | Underwood Ave, Shenton Park | Black-Cockatoo habitat assessment |
Mining | 2011 | Snark mine, Goldfields | Malleefowl Assessment |
Mining | 2011 | Russell Fine mine, Goldfields | Level 1 Fauna Risk Assessment |
Infrastructure | 2011 | Roy Hill rail line, Pilbara | Level 2 Fauna Assessment, Fauna Habitat Assessment, Targeted Conservation Significant Fauna Survey, Fauna Management Plan |
Mining | 2011 | Reichelt mine, Goldfields | Level 1 Fauna Risk Assessment |
Mining | 2011 | Petra mining area, Goldfields | Level 1 Fauna Risk Assessment |
Urban Development | 2011 | Mundijong Residential Development | Level 1 Fauna Risk Assessment and Wetland survey |
Mining | 2011 | Majestic mine, Goldfields | Terrestrial Ecosystems completed a Level 2 vertebrate fauna survey and conservation significant fauna habitat assessment. More than 30 habitat assessments were undertaken across the project area, 10 nights equivalent of bat echolocation data recorded and 6300 nights of systematic trapping data collected. |
Urban Development | 2011 | Madora Bay | Graceful Sun-moth survey |
Urban Development | 2011 | Kerosene Lane, Baldivis | Black-Cockatoo habitat assessment |
Mining | 2011 | Bullseye mine, Goldfields | Level 1 Fauna Risk Assessment |
Mining | 2011 | Baneygo mine, Goldfields | Level 1 Fauna Risk Assessment |
Infrastrcuture | 2011 | Aurizon East Pilbara Independent Rail | Terrestrial Ecosystems completed a Gap Analysis, Level 1 vertebrate fauna survey, conservation significant fauna habitat assessment and targeted conservation significant fauna survey for a proposed 240km rail corridor from Port Hedland to Marillana which is south of the Chichester Ranges. More than 3700 habitat assessments were undertaken across the area by ATV, 500 nights equivalent of bat echolocation data recorded, 100 motion sensitive camera sites utilised and 130,000 photos of fauna taken with the motion sensitive cameras. The field work utilised ATVs due to the remote location and lack of road access. |
Mining | 2011 | Anchor mine, Goldfields | Level 1 Fauna Risk Assessment |
Mining | 2010-12 | Blue Spec Shear Gold-Antimony mine, Pilbara | Level 1 fauna assessment, targeted conservation significant species fauna survey, fauna management plan, referral under the EPBC Act |
Mining | 2010-12 | Frogs Leg mine, Goldfields | Level 1 Fauna Risk Assessments |
Mining | 2010-11 | Marda mine, Goldfields | Terrestrial Ecosystems completed a Level 1 Vertebrate fauna risk assessment and targeted conservation significant fauna survey for the proposed Marda mine site. The focus of the targeted assessments was on Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo and Malleefowl which have the potential to forage and breed in the vicinity of the project area. Terrestrial Ecosystems used ATVs to complete the field work which enable a rapid yet cost effective method for recording hundreds of trees in the project area and surrounds. |
Mining | 2010-11 | King Brown mine, Goldfields | Terrestrial Ecosystems completed a Level 1 Vertebrate fauna risk assessment and targeted conservation significant fauna survey for the proposed King Brown mine site. The focus of the targeted assessments was on Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo and Malleefowl which have the potential to forage and breed in the vicinity of the project area. Terrestrial Ecosystems used ATVs to complete the field work which enable a rapid yet cost effective method for recording hundreds of trees in the project area and surrounds. |
Mining | 2010 | Wombola Dam mine, Goldfields | Level 1 Fauna Risk Assessment |
Urban Development | 2010 | Honeywood Estate, Wandi | Southern Brown Bandicoot relocation |
Mining | 2010 | Garden Well mine, Goldfields | Terrestrial Ecosystems completed a Level 2 vertebrate fauna survey and conservation significant fauna habitat assessment. More than 30 habitat assessments were undertaken across the project area, 60 separate bird survey censuses completed, 12 nights equivalent of bat echolocation data recorded and 6300 nights of systematic trapping data collected. |
Mining | 2010 | Battler mine, Goldfields | Terrestrial Ecosystems completed a Level 1 Vertebrate fauna risk assessment and targeted conservation significant fauna survey for the proposed Battler mine site. The focus of the targeted assessments was on Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoo, Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo and Malleefowl which have the potential to forage and breed in the vicinity of the project area. Terrestrial Ecosystems used ATVs to complete the field work which enable a rapid yet cost effective method for recording hundreds of trees in the project area and surrounds. |