
Publications  – books

Turnbull, R., Thompson S., Thompson G. 2013. Selected fauna of the Onslow region. Published by Terrestrial Ecosystems. Available at

Thompson, S.A. and Thompson, G.G. 2010. Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna Assessments for Ecological Impact Assessment. Published by Terrestrial Ecosystems. Available at

Thompson, S.A. and Thompson, G.G. 2006. Reptiles of the Western Australian Goldfields. Goldfields Environmental Management Group, Kalgoorlie, WA.

Publications  – journal articles (peer reviewed)

Thompson, G.G. and Thompson, S.A. 2020. A comparison of an EIA vertebrate fauna survey with a post-approval fauna salvage program: Consequences of not adhering to EIA survey guidelines, a Western Australian example. Pacific Conservation Biology

Thompson, S.A., Thompson, G.G., Withers, P.C. and Bennett, E.M. 2020. Conservation detection dog is better than human searcher in finding bilby (Macrotis lagotis) scats. Australian Zoologist

Thompson, G.G., Thompson, S.A. and Bengsen, A. 2019. The value of camera traps in monitoring a feral-cat and fox reduction program. Wildlife Research 46(7):599-609

Thompson, S. A., and G. G. Thompson. 2016. Response to ‘Fauna-rescue programs highlight unresolved scientific, ethical and animal welfare issues’ by Menkhorst et al. Pacific Conservation Biology 22:304-307.

Thompson, G. G., and S. A. Thompson. 2015. Termitaria are an important refuge for reptiles in the Pilbara of Western Australia. Pacific Conservation Biology 21:226-233.

Thompson, S., G. Thompson, J. Sackmann, J. Spark, and T. Brown. 2015. Using high-definition aerial photography to search in 3D for malleefowl mounds is a cost-effective alternative to ground searches. Pacific Conservation Biology 21:208-213.

Thompson, S. A., and G. G. Thompson. 2015. Fauna-rescue programs can successfully relocate vertebrate fauna prior to and during vegetation-clearing programs. Pacific Conservation Biology 21:220-225.

Thompson, G. G., and S. A. Thompson. 2014. Detecting burrows and trapping for mulgaras (Dasycercus cristicauda and D. blythi) can be difficult. Australian Mammalogy 36:116-120.

Clemente, C. J., P. C. Withers, and G. G. Thompson. 2012. Optimal body size with respect to maximal speed for the Yellow-Spotted Monitor lizard (Varanus panoptes; Varanidae). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 85:265-273.

Clemente, C. J., P. C. Withers, G. Thompson, and D. Lloyd. 2011. Evolution of limb bone loading and body size in varanid lizards. Journal of Experimental Biology 214:3013-3020.

Thompson, S. A., and G. G. Thompson. 2011. Do possum (Pseudocheirus occidentalis; Trichosurus vulpecula hypoleucus) counts vary with the time of the survey? Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 94:445-448.

Finlayson, G. R., A. N. Diment, G. G. Thompson, and S. A. Thompson. 2010. Estimating western ringtail possum (Pseudocheirus occidentalis) density using distance sampling. Australian Mammalogy 32:197-200.

Thompson, G. G., S. A. Thompson, and G. R. Finlayson. 2010. Spatial and temporal variations in the trapped terrestrial vertebrate fauna of the Hamersley Range, Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 93:51-64.

Clemente, C. J., G. G. Thompson, and P. C. Withers. 2009a. Evolutionary relationships of sprint speed in Australian varanid lizards. Journal of Zoology 278:270-280.

Clemente, C. J., P. C. Withers, and G. G. Thompson. 2009b. Metabolic rate and endurance capacity in Australian varanid lizards (Squamata; Varanidae; Varanus). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 97:664-676.

Thompson, G. G., and S. A. Thompson. 2009a. Comparative temperature in funnel and pit traps. Australian Journal of Zoology 57:311-316.

Thompson, S. A., and G. G. Thompson. 2009b. A case for in-situ management of Western Ringtail Possums, Pseudocheirus occidentalis, in development areas. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 92:269-276.

Thompson, S. A., G. G. Thompson, and G. R. Finlayson. 2009. Range extensions for the Barking Gecko, Nephrurus milii (Squamata: Gekkonidae). Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 92:27-29.

Clemente, C. J., P. C. Withers, G. Thompson, and D. Lloyd. 2008a. Why go bipedal? Locomotion and morphology in Australian agamid lizards. Journal of Experimental Biology 211:2058-2065.

Clemente, C. J., P. C. Withers, and G. G. Thompson. 2008b. Higher than predicted endurance for juvenile goannas (Varanidae: Varanus). Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 91:265-267.

Thompson, G. G., C. J. Clemente, P. C. Withers, B. G. Fry, and J. A. Norman. 2008a. Is body shape of varanid lizards linked with retreat choice? Australian Journal of Zoology 56:351-362.

Thompson, G. G., and S. A. Thompson. 2008a. Abundance and spatial distribution of five small mammals at a local scale. Australian Mammalogy 30:65-70.

Thompson, G. G., and S. A. Thompson. 2008b. Greater Bilby (Macrotis lagotis) burrows, diggings and scats in the Pilbara. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 91:21-25.

Thompson, G. G., and S. A. Thompson. 2008c. Spatial variability in terrestrial fauna surveys; a case study from the goldfields of Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 91:219-228.

Thompson, S. A., and G. G. Thompson. 2008d. Monitoring Malleefowl using their thermal profile. Malleefowl Matter 45:4-6.

Thompson, S. A., and G. G. Thompson. 2008e. Range extension for the Black-headed Worm-lizard, Aprasia picturata (Squamata: Pypopodidae). Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 91:51-52.

Thompson, S. A., and G. G. Thompson. 2008f. Vertebrate by-catch in invertebrate wet pitfall traps. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 91:237-241.

Thompson, S. A., G. G. Thompson, and J. E. Oates. 2008b. Range extension for the Western Heath Dragon, Rankinia adelaidensis adelaidensis (Squamata: Agamidae). Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 91:207-208.

Thompson, S. A., G. G. Thompson, and P. C. Withers. 2008c. Rehabilitation index for evaluating restoration of terrestrial ecosystems using the reptile assemblage as the bio-indicator. Ecological Indicators 8:530-549.

Smith, J. G., B. W. Brook, A. D. Griffiths, and G. G. Thompson. 2007. Can morphometrics predict sex in varanids? Journal of Herpetology 41:133-140.

Thompson, G. G. 2007. Terrestrial vertebrate fauna surveys for the preparation of environmental impact assessments; how can we do it better? A Western Australian example. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 27:41-61.

Thompson, G. G., and S. A. Thompson. 2007a. Are backfilled burrows a predator protection strategy for the Spinifex Hopping Mouse. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 90:111-113.

Thompson, G. G., and S. A. Thompson. 2007b. Early and late colonizers in mine site rehabilitated waste dumps in the Goldfields of Western Australia. Pacific Conservation Biology 13:235-243.

Thompson, G. G., and S. A. Thompson. 2007c. Shape and spatial distribution of Mulgara (Dasycercus cristicauda) burrows, with comments on their presence in a burnt habitat and a translocation protocol. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 90:195-202.

Thompson, G. G., and S. A. Thompson. 2007d. Usefulness of funnel traps in catching small reptiles and mammals, with comments on the effectiveness of the alternatives? Wildlife Research 34:491-497.

Thompson, G. G., and S. A. Thompson. 2007e. Using species accumulation curves to estimate trapping effort in fauna surveys and species richness. Austral Ecology 32:564-569.

Thompson, G. G., S. A. Thompson, P. C. Withers, and J. Fraser. 2007. Determining adequate trapping effort and species richness using species accumulation curves for environmental impact assessments. Austral Ecology 32:570-580.

Thompson, S. A., and G. G. Thompson. 2007f. Temporal variations in ground-dwelling invertebrate biomass in the Goldfields of Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 23:235-240.

Cartledge, V. A., P. C. Withers, K. A. McMaster, G. G. Thompson, and S. D. Bradshaw. 2006a. Water balance of field-excavated aestivating Australian desert frogs, the cocoon-forming Neobatrachus aquilonius and the non-cocooning Notaden nichollsi (Amphibia: Myobatrachidae). Journal of Experimental Biology 209:3309-3321.

Cartledge, V. A., P. C. Withers, G. G. Thompson, and K. A. McMaster. 2006b. Water relations of the burrowing sandhill frog, Arenophryne rotunda (Myobatrachidae). Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 176:295-302.

Mayes, P. J., G. G. Thompson, and P. C. Withers. 2005. Diet and foraging behaviour of the semi-aquatic Varanus mertensi (Reptilia: Varanidae). Wildlife Research 32:67-74.

Thompson, G. G., and S. A. Thompson. 2005a. Mammals or reptiles, as surveyed by pit-traps, as bio-indicators of rehabilitation success for mine sites in the goldfields region of Western Australia? Pacific Conservation Biology 11:268-286.

Thompson, G. G., and P. C. Withers. 2005a. The relationship between size-free body shape and choice of retreat for Western Australian Ctenophorus (Agamidae) dragon lizards. Amphibia-Reptilia 26:65-72.

Thompson, G. G., and P. C. Withers. 2005b. Shape of Western Australian dragon lizards (Agamidae). Amphibia-Reptilia 26:73-85.

Thompson, G. G., and P. C. Withers. 2005c. Size-free shape differences in male and female Western Australian dragon lizards (Agamidae). Amphibia-Reptilia 26:55-63.

Thompson, G. G., P. C. Withers, K. A. McMaster, and V. A. Cartledge. 2005a. Burrows of desert-adapted frogs, Neobatrachus aquilonius and Notaden nichollsi. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 88:17-23.

Thompson, S. A., and G. G. Thompson. 2005b. Temporal variation in reptile assemblages in the Goldfields of Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 88:25-36.

Thompson, S. A., G. G. Thompson, and P. C. Withers. 2005b. Capture rates of small vertebrates decrease as the pit-trapping effort increase at Ora Banda. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 88:37-39.

Thompson, S. A., G. G. Thompson, and P. C. Withers. 2005c. Influence of pit-trap type on the interpretation of fauna diversity. Wildlife Research 32:131-137.

Thompson, S. A., P. C. Withers, G. G. Thompson, and D. Robinson. 2005d. Range extension of the Perentie, Varanus giganteus (Squamata: Varanidae). Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 88:41-43.

Clemente, C. J., G. G. Thompson, P. C. Withers, and D. Lloyd. 2004. Kinematics, maximal metabolic rate, sprint and endurance for a slow moving lizard, the thorny devil (Moloch horridus). Australian Journal of Zoology 52:487-502.

Shalan, A. G., S. D. Bradshaw, P. C. Withers, G. Thompson, M. F. Bayomy, F. J. Bradshaw, and T. Stewart. 2004. Spermatogenesis and plasma testosterone levels in Western Australian burrowing desert frogs, Cyclorana platycephala, Cyclorana maini, and Neobatrachus sutor during aestivation. General Comparative Endocrinology. 136:90-100.

Thompson, G. G. 2004a. Varanus caudolineatus. Pages 318-327 in E. R. Pianka and D. R. King, editors. Varanoid lizards of the World. Indiana University Press, Bloomington.

Thompson, G. G. 2004b. Varanus gouldii. Pages 380-400 in E. R. Pianka and D. R. King, editors. Varanoid lizards of the World. Indiana University Press, Bloomington.

Thompson, S. A., and G. G. Thompson. 2004. Adequacy of rehabilitation monitoring practices in the Western Australian mining industry. Ecological Management and Restoration 5:30-33.

Fraser, J. L., G. G. Thompson, and D. Moro. 2003. Adequacy of terrestrial fauna surveys for the preparation of Environmental Impact Assessments in the mining industry of Western Australia. Ecological Management and Restoration 4:187-192.

Ladyman, M. T., and S. A. Thompson. 2003. Clutch hydration following oviposition by urination may reduce desiccation in thorny devil (Moloch horridus) eggs. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 86:83-84.

Thompson, G. G., S. A. Thompson, and J. L. Fraser. 2003a. Surface activity of arid-adapted frogs. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 86:115-116.

Thompson, G. G., S. A. Thompson, P. C. Withers, and E. R. Pianka. 2003b. Diversity and abundance of pit-trapped reptiles in Australian arid and mesic habitats: Biodiversity for environmental impact assessments. Pacific Conservation Biology 9:120-135.

Thompson, G. G., and P. C. Withers. 2003. Effect of species richness and relative abundance on the shape of the species accumulation curve. Austral Ecology 28:355-360.

Thompson, G. G., P. C. Withers, E. R. Pianka, and S. A. Thompson. 2003c. Assessing biodiversity with species accumulation curves; inventories of small reptiles by pit-trapping in Western Australia. Austral Ecology 28:361-383.

Thompson, S. A. 2003a. Geckos show the way. Page 10  Kalgoorlie Miner. Kalgoorlie Miner, Kalgoorlie.

Thompson, S. A. 2003b. Mine rehabilitation and pygmy possums. Page 3  Kalgoorlie Miner. Kalgoorlie Miner, Kalgoorlie.

Thompson, S. A. 2003c. Reproductive observations of a Thorny Devil, Moloch horridus, in a natural semi-arid environment. Western Australian Naturalist 24:73-78.

Thompson, S. A., and G. G. Thompson. 2003. The western bearded dragon, Pogona minor, (Squamata: Agamidae): An early lizard coloniser of rehabilitated areas. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 86:1-6.

Thompson, G. G. 2002a. Do we need a terrestrial fauna survey database in Western Australia? Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 85:115-117.

Thompson, G. G. 2002b. The feasibility of using body proportions in Western Australian varanids (Varanus) as a method for determining a specimen’s sex. Records of the Western Australian Museum 20:437-439.

Thompson, G. G. 2002c. Obituary: R Dennis King. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 85:183.

Thompson, G. G., and S. A. Thompson. 2002. Clutch of Varanus caudolineatus (Varanidae). Western Australian Naturalist 23:228.

Thompson, G. G., and P. C. Withers. 2002a. Aerial and aquatic respiration of the Australian desert goby, Chlamydogobius eremius. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 131:871-879.

Thompson, G. G., and P. C. Withers. 2002b. Summary of Workshop. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 85:151.

Bayomy, M. F. F., A. G. Shalan, S. D. Bradshaw, P. C. Withers, T. Stewart, and G. Thompson. 2001. Water content, body weight and acid mucopolysaccarides, hyaluronidase and B-glucuronidase in response to aestivation in Australian desert frogs. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 131:881-892.

Thompson, G. G., and E. R. Pianka. 2001. Allometry of clutch and neonate sizes in monitor lizards (Varanidae: Varanus). Copeia 2001:443-458.

Thompson, G. G., and S. A. Thompson. 2001. Behaviour and spatial ecology of Gilbert’s dragon Lophognathus gilberti (Agamidae: Reptilia). Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 84:153-158.

Thompson, S. A. 2001. Key role for reptiles. Pages 10-11  Kalgoorlie Miner, Kalgoorlie.

Thompson, G. G., P. C. Withers, and R. S. Seymour. 2000-2001. Blind diggers in the desert. Nature Australia Summer:26-31.

Withers, P. C., and G. G. Thompson. 2000. Cocoon formation and metabolic depression by the aestivating hylid frogs Cyclorana australis and Cyclorana cultripes (Amphibia: Hylidae). Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 83:39-40.

Withers, P. C., G. G. Thompson, and R. S. Seymour. 2000. Metabolic physiology of the north-western marsupial mole, Notoryctes caurinus (Marsupialia: Notoryctidae). Australian Journal of Zoology 48:241-258.

Jennings, W. B., and G. G. Thompson. 1999. Territorial behavior in the Australian scincid lizard Ctenotus fallens. Herpetologica 55:352-361.

Schildger, B., H. Tenhu, M. Kramer, M. Gerwing, G. Kuchling, G. Thompson, and R. Wicker. 1999. Comparative diagnostic imaging of the reproductive tract in monitors: radiology – Ultrasonography – Coelioscopy. Mertensiella 11:193-211.

Tenhu, H., B. Schildger, G. Kuchling, and G. Thompson. 1999. Ultrasonographic examination and anatomy of monitors (Varanus gouldii, V. indicus and V. griseus) (Sauria: Varanidae). Mertensiella 11:181-187.

Thompson, G. 1999. Goanna metabolism: different to other lizards, and if so what are the ecological consequences? Mertensiella 11:79-90.

Thompson, G. G., M. de Boer, and E. R. Pianka. 1999a. Activity areas and daily movements of an arboreal monitor lizard, Varanus tristis, (Squamata: Varanidae) during the breeding season. Australian Journal of Ecology 24:117-122.

Thompson, G. G., and E. R. Pianka. 1999. Reproductive ecology of the black-headed goanna Varanus tristis (Squamata: Varanidae). Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 82.

Thompson, G. G., E. R. Pianka, and M. de Boer. 1999b. Body temperatures of an arboreal monitor lizard, Varanus tristis (Squamata: Varanidae), during the breeding season. Amphibia-Reptilia 20:82-88.

Thompson, G. G., and P. C. Withers. 1999a. Effects of sloughing and digestion on metabolic rate in the Australian carpet python, Morelia spilota imbricata. Australian Journal of Zoology 47:605-610.

Thompson, G. G., and P. C. Withers. 1999b. The metabolic response to hypoxia and emersion of aestivating fishes (Lepidogalaxias salamandroides and Galaxiella nigrostriata) and a non-aestivating fish (Bostockia porosa) from south-western Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology 47:295-305.

Pianka, G. A., E. R. Pianka, and G. G. Thompson. 1998. Natural history of thorny devils Moloch horridus (Lacertilia: Agamidae) in the Great Victoria Desert. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 81:183-190.

Thompson, G. G., and P. C. Withers. 1998a. The aestivating Salamanderfish – where do all the fish go? Western Wildlife 2:4-5.

Thompson, G. G., and P. C. Withers. 1998b. Metabolic rate of neonate goannas (Squamata: Varanidae). Comparative Biochemical Physiology. A 120:625-631.

Thompson, G. G., and P. C. Withers. 1998c. Standard evaporative water loss and metabolism of juvenile Varanus mertensi (Squamata: Varanidae). Copeia 1998:1054-1059.

Thompson, G. G. 1997. Do training and captivity affect maximal metabolic rate of Varanus gouldii (Squamata: Varanidae)? Amphibia-Reptilia 18:112-116.

Thompson, G. G., S. D. Bradshaw, and P. C. Withers. 1997. Energy and water turnover rates of a free-living and captive goanna, Varanus caudolineatus (Lacertilia: Varanidae). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 116A:105-111.

Thompson, G. G., and P. C. Withers. 1997a. Comparative morphology of Western Australian varanid lizards (Squamata: Varanidae). Journal of Morphology, 233:127-152.

Thompson, G. G., and P. C. Withers. 1997b. Evaporative water loss of Australian goannas (Squamata: Varanidae). Amphibia-Reptilia 18:177-190.

Thompson, G. G., and P. C. Withers. 1997c. Patterns of gas exchange and extended non-ventilatory periods in small goannas (Squamata: Varanidae). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 118A:1411-1417.

Thompson, G. G., and P. C. Withers. 1997d. Standard and maximal metabolic rates of goannas (Squamata: Varanidae). Physiological Zoology 70:307-323.

Pianka, G., E. R. Pianka, and G. G. Thompson. 1996. Egg laying by thorny devils (Moloch horridus) under natural conditions in the Great Victoria Desert. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 79:195-197.

Thompson, G. 1996a. Goannas in the graveyard. Nature Australia 25:30-37.

Thompson, G. 1996b. A lizard and snake census on Atley Station. Western Australian Naturalist 21:59-63.

Thompson, G. G. 1996c. Breeding Varanus brevicauda. Western Australian Naturalist 21:119-121.

Thompson, G. G. 1996d. Notes on the diet of Varanus gouldii in a semi-urban environment. Western Australian Naturalist 21:49-54.

Thompson, G. G. 1995. Foraging patterns and behaviours, body postures and movement speed for goannas, Varanus gouldii (Reptilia: Varanidae), in a semi-urban environment. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 78:107-114.

Thompson, G. G., N. A. Heger, T. G. Heger, and P. C. Withers. 1995. Standard metabolic rate of the largest Australian lizard, Varanus giganteus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 111A:603-608.

Thompson, G. G., and D. R. King. 1995. Diet of Varanus caudolineatus (Reptilia:Varanidae). Western Australian Naturalist 20:199-204.

Spice, C., and G. Thompson. 1994. Reasons why few top hockey players turn to umpiring and existing umpires continue in the role. ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles Journal Spring:8-13.

Thompson, G. G. 1994. Activity area during the breeding season of Varanus gouldii (Reptilia: Varanidae) in an urban environment. Wildlife Research 21:633-641.

Thompson, G. G., and P. C. Withers. 1994. Standard metabolic rates of two small Australian varanid lizards (Varanus caudolineatus and V. acanthurus). Herpetologica 50:494-502.

Thompson, G., M. Simshauser, C. Howard, and T. Wear. 1993. The motivations and expectations of volunteers working for government agencies with a responsibility for conserving the natural environment. Australian Journal of Leisure and Recreation 3:20-30.

Thompson, G. 1993. Daily movement patterns and habitat preferences of Varanus caudolineatus (Reptilia: Varanidae). Wildlife Research 20:227-231.

McCann, C., and G. G. Thompson. 1992. An economic analysis of the First Western Australian State Masters Games. Journal of Tourism Studies 3:28-34.

Thompson, G. 1992. Daily distance travelled and foraging areas of Varanus gouldii (Reptilia: Varanidae) in an urban environment. Wildlife Research 19:743-753.

Thompson, G. G., and P. C. Withers. 1992a. Effects of body mass and temperature on standard metabolic rates for two Australian varanid lizards (Varanus gouldii and V. panoptes). Copeia 1992:343-335.

Thompson, G. G., and P. C. Withers. 1992b. Osmoregulatory adjustments by three atherinids (Leptatherina presbyteroides; Craterocephalus mugiloides, Leptatherina wallacei) to a range of salinities. Comparative Biochemical and Physiology A 103A:725-728.

Thompson, G. G., P. C. Withers, and S. A. Thompson. 1992. The combat ritual of two monitor lizards, Varanus caudolineatus and Varanus gouldii. Western Australian Naturalist 19:21-25.

Thompson, G. 1991. Factors influencing attendances at Australian Rules Football games in Western Australia. Australian Journal of Leisure and Recreation 1:18-23, 40.

Stainton, R., and G. Thompson. 1990. The impact that the AIS hockey unit has had on the development of local hockey in Western Australia. ACHPER National Journal 128:11-15.

Thompson, G. G. 1990. Fish in Australian salt lakes. Salinet 4:41-45.

Thompson, G. 1983. The desert goby Chlamydogobius eremius. Fishes of Sahul 1:17-20.

Thompson, G. 1975a. Planning a playground. Australian Parks and Recreation:34-38.

Thompson, G. 1975b. Why the increased interest in recreation in Victoria. ACHPER June:26-28.

Thompson, G., B. Blanksby, and G. Doran. 1974. Maturity and performance in age group competitive swimmers. Australian Journal of Physical Education June:21-25.