Dr Scott Thompson

 Partner and Principal Zoologistlinkedin image

Scott is an award winning practitioner with specialist knowledge in assessing and managing impacts on terrestrial fauna. Scott has been associated with vertebrate fauna surveys and assessments for 20+ years and is experienced in conducting remote location fauna surveys, targeted threatened species surveys, ecological assessments, developing fauna management protocols and mitigation plans, and conducting feral and pest animal management programs.

Scott has a strong academic background in ecology and mine site rehabilitation and has a Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science), Master of Science (Environmental Management), a PhD (Environmental Science/Management), Certificate III (Vertebrate Pest Management) and Certificate IV (Work Health Safety).

Prior to establishing Terrestrial Ecosystems, Scott was the Senior Zoologist at a multi-national consulting firm. Scott’s primary responsibility was managing and undertaking terrestrial fauna surveys, however, he also assisted with urban development and other natural resource management projects. This required a broad knowledge of vegetation, fauna, wetlands, drainage, coastal and riverine environments as well as a solid understanding of statutory obligations and approval processes for environmental impact assessments at both state and federal level.

Dr Scott Thompson is the only environmental practitioner in Western Australia who has independent specialist certification (CEnvP – Ecology Specialist) in combination with post-graduate tertiary qualifications and is a licenced pest management technician (LPMT). This unique set of skills and qualifications ensures Scott undertakes fauna surveys, assessments and control programs to the highest standard and quality assurance.

Scott is a licensed pest management technician and is the primary handler of Dazzy, the conservation detection dog.


  • Vertebrate fauna surveys and assessments
  • Fauna management plans
  • Fauna monitoring programs
  • Fauna relocation and fauna salvage programs
  • Radio-tracking of fauna
  • Vertebrate pest management and control
  • Conservation significant fauna assessments
  • Chemical capture of fauna using tranquilising darts (e.g. kangaroo relocation)
  • Detection dog surveys for Bilby, Northern Quoll, feral cat and fox
  • Peer review of fauna reports


  • Certified Environmental Practitioner (EIANZ).
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Environmental Science/Management).
  • Master of Science (Environmental Management).
  • Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science).
  • Certificate III (Vertebrate Pest Management).
  • Certificate IV (Work Heath Safety).

A copy of Scott’s CV can be downloaded here