Stelleena MacKay


Stelleena is an enthusiastic young zoologist that is keen to learn and broaden her experience and skill set. She has been involved with fauna rehabilitation for the past three years. Stelleena has a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Biology and a Bachelor of Science Environment and Agriculture honours degree. Her honours thesis dealt with proving the possibility of physiological control of insensible evaporative water loss in the yellow-footed antechinus (Antechinus flavipes).

Stelleena is experienced in fauna salvage and handling. Since starting with Terrestrial Ecosystems, she has gained experience in fauna trapping and surveys, fauna salvage and translocation in a variety of locations.


  • Terrestrial fauna surveys
  • Fauna salvage and translocation
  • Fauna rehabilitation


  • Bachelor of Science Honours (Environment and Agriculture)
  • Bachelor of Science (Environmental Biology)