Welcome to 2018

Between 2013-2016, Terrestrial Ecosystems posted a weekly blog, however, during 2017 we stopped the blog because we got too busy at work and thought it wasn’t being viewed. As it turns out lots of people read our blog and many people have asked why it stopped.

Some of the previous blog topics included:

and others linked below.

In 2018 we will be back doing a fortnightly blog again. Some of the planned topics include:

  • A killifish that breathes through its skin;
  • Sample size for detecting the presence of Bilbies in a defined area based on the DBCA guidelines;
  • Darting kangaroos – the imperfect science and implications of the new standard operating procedures; and
  • many others on threatened species management, environmental regulation, offsets, feral and pest control and Australian flora and fauna.

If you received this email you are on our ‘send list’. If you don’t wish to receive our blog or would like to update your email preferences please click the links below. If you know of others that may enjoy the read, then please forward on this email and encourage them to sign up via the website.

We often receive some interesting comments from our readers, however, the vast majority were not posted in the comments section as they were sent directly to us. We are always interested in your comments on our posts, so please comment on the website so everyone can benefit. Also, if you have any particular topic you want covered please email me and we will endeavour to include it over the year.

Images – top: Common scaly-foot (Pygopus lepidopodus), bottom: Pilbara landscape



One Response to “Welcome to 2018”

  1. Melanie Dixon on January 12th, 2018 4:16 pm

    Great to have this blog post back. I did miss it last year.
    Thanks for the interesting stories. Much appreciated.

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